our capabilities


At Bold Yeti we understand the value of great web design. In fact, we are hopelessly obsessed with the newest design trends and the fastest new server technology. We understand that anyone can build a website, but we build engaging experiences that define your brand and turn prospects into profits.


Discovering Your Brand

Every good web project starts with a discovery. This is the process of figuring out what success means to your business and identifying your target audience, competitors, and possible challenges to your specific project.

There are no lucky guesses in our process—just informed decisions based on actual research. We collect and analyze data specific to your website project, so you can be sure you’re getting a solution backed by numbers, not hunches.

Technical Audit
Our development team combs every inch of your website to find its weakest points and its biggest potential. This part of our discovery is essential and helps us determine what functionality your new website should have.

Content Strategy
Content is king and we take it pretty seriously. We draw from our marketing analysis to determine your information architecture and primary points of conversion.

Key Performance Indicators
A website should always serve a purpose, so it’s important to define a goal (or a conversion metric) you can easily track to ensure your website is performing. This gives us a benchmark that we can monitor as time goes on.

Marketing Analysis
We audit your site as well as your competitors’ and your customers to see what drives your business.


Design & Development

The development phase is typically the longest and encompasses designing and coding your website based on our discovery findings. In most cases, we design wireframes and moodboards to give you a basic understanding of our vision.

Once the overall aesthetics of your site are approved, our development team gets to work! We primarily work in WordPress for its flexibility—plus its easy-to-use admin panel makes it simple for novice website owners to make future content updates.

We brainstorm, design, and iterate several times before we make a final decision. Depending on the project, we may conduct various exercises to draft a design, including:

  • moodboards;
  • style tiles, and;
  • wire frames.

We stay on top of new and emerging development standards, and it shows with our sites’ page speed load times and reliability.

User Experience
Our goal is to make it easy for users to find content they want. We do this by providing an intuitive experience that guides users through your site and encourages them to fulfill a desired goal.

  • User-flow testing
  • Device testing
  • A/B testing

We have a deep understanding of integrations. Our experience includes integrations with Salesforce, HubSpot, Marketo, MailChimp, Eventbrite, Bullhorn, and many others.


Launch Your Site

Your project is finally over and now it’s time to show off all the hard work. Our launch process is very thorough and generally includes a soft launch along with WordPress training so your team understands how to use your new site. We also provide an in-depth quality assurance and security phase to make sure your site stands the test of time.

Hosting & Consulting
Selecting a hosting provider can be an overwhelming decision. All of our developers are AWS certified, so whether you host with us or someone else, we can help you make a decision that makes sense for your business.

Our WordPress trainings involve detailed walk-throughs on all major areas of the site. We provide simple demonstrations on how to duplicate pages, edit the navigation, and other general updates.

Quality Assurance
Our QA process involves about 48 steps and we’re constantly adding to it. From simple SEO checks to script errors, we make sure everything is topnotch before launch.

Ongoing Support
Don’t worry—we won’t leave you in the dark after launch. We are happy to make updates down the road and offer maintenance and management plans so you can focus on running your business.


Analyzing New Data

Launching your website is only the beginning of a broader online marketing strategy. It can take time for a new website to start seeing significant gains in search rankings, especially for recently purchased domains, so this is a perfect time to analyze your visitor data and optimize your website further. As time goes on, a thorough content audit and Google Analytics review will tell us what visitors are doing on the site, so we can monitor traffic, interpret the numbers, and make informed decisions to improve the site’s performance.

Heatmap & Tracking
With heatmap and other user tracking we can see how users are browsing your new website. If users are clicking on the wrong things, browsing the wrong pages, or just using your website incorrectly, tracking will help us understand the trends users take when visiting your site. This step is essential to improving conversions and your website’s overall usability.

SEO & Content
Now that your site has launched, it’s time to focus on SEO and creating high-quality, cornerstone content that answers your users’ questions. We recommend pairing this with a content strategy plan, a detailed content calendar, and monthly Google Analytics reporting to monitor your site’s performance.

Like what you see?

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